
2021 Budget for NIH Remains Uncertain

Each year, Congress is tasked with setting budgets across the federal government, including for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), before October 1, the beginning of the new fiscal year. However, this month we passed the October 1 deadline without Congress passing legislation to accomplish this for Fiscal Year 2021. This means that the size... Read More

Protecting Canadians against Genetic Discrimination

Protecting Canadians against Genetic Discrimination

Last month, Canada’s Supreme Court issued a key decision on the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act (GNDA), a law passed by the Canadian Parliament in 2017 and supported by ASHG.  GNDA protects individuals from being required to undergo genetic testing or share their genetic information, such as with insurance companies and employers. We sat down with Barbara... Read More

Navigating Mental Health in the COVID-19 Era

Nascent Transcript Author: Anna Miller With “Stay at Home” orders in effect and the slow process of reopening, we spoke with Simona Mkrtschjan, a Clinical Social Worker at Case Western Reserve University, in late April about navigating our mental health. Some people struggle with feeling like they’re not accomplishing enough each day. How do we... Read More

ASHG Advocacy in a Time of Crisis

ASHG Advocacy in a Time of Crisis

Speaking out about the value of human genetics and genomics research is all the more important during the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, the genetics community has been doing just that, raising awareness about both the major challenges faced by the community and the ways in which genetics research can provide answers. First, on Monday, ASHG... Read More

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