
Supporting Federally Funded Research

Supporting Federally Funded Research

Genetics research is providing remarkable insights into the human genome and how this knowledge can be translated into healthcare advances. This scientific progress relies on continued public investment in biomedical research. ASHG supports the robust, predictable, sustainable federal funding of research to fuel scientific advances. Related: Written Testimony to Senate Appropriations LHHS Subcommittee (May 2023)... Read More

New Report Indicates Annual Economic Impact of Human Genetics/Genomics  Grew over $200 Billion Since 2010, Outlines New Areas of Promising Application

New Report Indicates Annual Economic Impact of Human Genetics/Genomics Grew over $200 Billion Since 2010, Outlines New Areas of Promising Application

*Editors Note: Data provided in an early version of the press release was incorrect related to the number of people worldwide being treated for rare diseases. These conditions affect 25-30 million people in the U.S. and 350 million worldwide. Published: May 19, 2021, 8:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time Media Contact: Kara Flynn, 202.257.8424,   Economic Analysis Shows... Read More

ASHG Members Take to Capitol Hill (Virtually)

Posted By: Lyly Luhachack, PhD, Policy & Advocacy Specialist, ASHG April 22, 2021, marked the first-ever ASHG Capitol Hill Day. The Government and Public Advocacy Committee (GPAC), ASHG President Gail Jarvik, MD, PhD, Dana Crawford, PhD, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force (DEITF) Chair, and leaders of the Career Development Committee (CDC) met, virtually, with... Read More

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