Career Interview

Career Interview: Aravinda Chakravarti, PhD

Career Interview: Aravinda Chakravarti, PhD

Professor of Genetic Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine ASHG: If you had a choice, would you teach more or spend more time on your research? Why? Dr. Chakravarti: Given the choice TODAY, I would do more teaching. The answer I have given is surely true today for me but might not have been true a... Read More

Career Interview: Marnie Gelbart, PhD

Career Interview: Marnie Gelbart, PhD

Director of Program Development and National Initiatives Personal Genetics Education Project, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School ASHG: What non-scientific skills (communication, artistry, athleticism, etc.) are important for your job? Were any of these skills unexpected assets for you? Dr. Gelbart: Communication skills are key. It is of course important to find accessible and relatable ways... Read More

Career Interview: Riki Ohira, PhD

Career Interview: Riki Ohira, PhD

Lead Associate Booz Allen Hamilton ASHG: What are the biggest challenges you encountered when acclimating to the pace and demands of industry? What skills do you wish you had worked on in advance? Dr. Ohira: The greatest challenge was acclimating to a corporate culture; this included learning the terminology, developing a business mindset, and understanding the field... Read More

Career Interview: Evadnie Rampersaud, PhD, MSPH

Career Interview: Evadnie Rampersaud, PhD, MSPH

ASHG: What non-academic skills would you encourage trainees to develop to prepare for successfully running a lab? What specific skills have proved invaluable for you? Dr. Rampersaud: Key to the success of any scientist, whether in academia or industry, will be the ability to interact both scientifically and socially with peers. Often times, ideas are vetted... Read More

Career Interview: Thomas Morgan, MD

Career Interview: Thomas Morgan, MD

Head of Human Disease Genetics Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research ASHG: What are the biggest challenges you encountered when acclimating to the pace and demands of industry? What skills do you wish you had worked on in advance? Dr. Morgan: Working in pharma requires a broad knowledge base and the flexibility to change from one focus to... Read More

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