
Careers in Genetics: Dietitian/Nutritionist

Careers in Genetics: Dietitian/Nutritionist

Dietitians and nutritionists work with individuals who need nutritional guidance, frequently for disease prevention or management (for example, diabetes or celiac disease). These professionals often work as part of a medical team in hospitals, private practice, or other health-care facilities. Dietitians must pass a national exam to be registered, and many states require similar registration... Read More

Careers in Genetics: Clinical Research Associate

Careers in Genetics: Clinical Research Associate

Also known as a Clinical Trial Monitor, a Clinical Research Associate assists investigators and clinical researchers in running clinical studies, such as the clinical trials required for FDA approval of new drugs and medical devices. Professionals in this field work for the sponsor of such trials (such as the company manufacturing the drug), a contracted... Read More

Careers in Genetics: Biotech Sales & Marketing

Careers in Genetics: Biotech Sales & Marketing

Professionals in Biotech Sales and Marketing use their scientific backgrounds to help clients become familiar with the biological or clinical products most applicable to the client’s work. These positions require good communication and people skills in addition to an interest in life sciences. myIDP career category: Business of science Marshfield Clinic Clip: Additional Resources: Career Story:... Read More

Science and Scientists in the Age of Social Media

Written by Nascent Transcript writer Sumantra Chatterjee (@rovingscientist) The practice of science has been a source of fascination and confusion for many over the years. It’s a world full of jargon and complicated data that have no real-life application. So, it takes a while to explain that if you look beyond the jargon, most things... Read More

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