Complex Traits

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Andy Dahl

Posted By: Sara Cullinan, PhD, Deputy Editor, AJHG Each month, the editors of The American Journal of Human Genetics interview an author of a recently published paper. This month we check in with Andy Dahl to discuss his paper “A robust method uncovers significant context-specific heritability in diverse complex traits.” AJHG: What prompted you to... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Omer Weissbrod

Trainee Author: Omer Weissbrod, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Harvard School of Public Health (Photo courtesy Weissbrod) Rothschild, Weissbrod et al. Environment dominates over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota. Nature. 2018 Mar 8;555(7695):210-215 This paper offers a unique perspective on the contributions of genetics and the gut microbiome to complex traits in humans. By analyzing... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Eirini Marouli

Trainee Author: Eirini Marouli, PhD Postdoctoral Research Associate William Harvey Research Institute Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Queen Mary University of London (Photo courtesy Marouli) Marouli E, et al. Rare and low-frequency coding variants alter human adult height. Nature. 2017 Feb 9;542(7640):186-190 This paper greatly expands our understanding of the role... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: David Soave

Trainee Author: David Soave, MSc Graduate Student University of Toronto Hospital for Sick Children A Joint Location-Scale Test Improves Power to Detect Associated SNPs, Gene Sets, and Pathways. Soave, David et al. The American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 97, Issue 1, 125 – 138. This paper makes an important contribution to human genetics methods... Read More

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