
Spotlight on ASHG Board Elections and Service

Spotlight on ASHG Board Elections and Service

Learn How ASHG Board of Director Candidates are Identified and Elected and Consider if Board Service is in Your Future. ASHG is committed to engaging members in the life of the Society. Elections provide a valuable opportunity to select leaders who can effectively represent both the Society and the scientific community. Acting on behalf of... Read More

ASHG Announces 2023 Board of Directors <br>President-Elect Bruce Gelb, Four New Directors to Take Office in January 2023 </em>

ASHG Announces 2023 Board of Directors
President-Elect Bruce Gelb, Four New Directors to Take Office in January 2023

Published: Thursday, September 1, 2022, 1:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time Media Contact: Kara Flynn, (202) 257-8424, ROCKVILLE, MD – The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) is pleased to announce the election of Bruce Gelb, MD as ASHG’s 2023 President-elect; and of Joseph G Gleeson, MD; Chris Gunter, PhD; Ophir D. Klein, MD, PhD;... Read More

ASHG Board Roundup from Spring 2022

ASHG Board Roundup from Spring 2022

The ASHG Board of Directors held its first in-person meeting since 2019 on April 21-22 in Rockville, Maryland. During the meeting, chaired by President Charles Rotimi, PhD, the Board discussed plans for the ASHG 2022 annual meeting, reviewed the activities and priorities of the Society’s committees over the previous year, approved the upcoming fiscal year’s... Read More

ASHG Board of Directors Roundup from Fall 2021

ASHG Board of Directors Roundup from Fall 2021

ASHG’s Board of Directors typically holds its fall meeting in conjunction with the annual meeting. However, this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board held its last meeting of 2021 via Zoom on November 4-5. During the meeting, the Board assessed progress on activities, discussed important information in the policy and advocacy landscape, and... Read More

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