Inside HGGA

Nina Gold, MD is an attending physician in the Division of Medical Genetics and Metabolism at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Nina Gold

Posted By: HGG Advances HGGA: What motivated you to start working on this project?  NG: Although monogenic genetic disorders are individually rare, collectively they affect up to 1 in 20 people in the global population. Over 700 monogenic disorders—including many inherited metabolic disorders, which I study and treat clinically—now have targeted treatments. As more therapies... Read More

Megan Leask, PhD is a Lecturer in the Department of Physiology at the University of Otago.

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Megan Leask

Posted By: HGG Advances HGGA: What motivated you to start working on this project?  ML: I was serendipitously connected with my mentor who has been working in this space for many years. When I started my postdoc, which was a step change from the work I had done in my PhD, it was the first... Read More

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Ozvan Bocher

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Ozvan Bocher

Posted By: HGG Advances HGGA: What motivated you to start working on this project?  OB: Most genetic association studies are currently focusing on European populations, which creates disparities with other under-represented populations, especially when translating these studies into the clinic. Polygenic predictions are based on these studies and represent an important component of precision medicine.... Read More

Moran Gershoni, PhD is a Principal Investigator at the ARO-Volcani Institute.

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Moran Gershoni

Posted By: HGG Advances  HGGA: What motivated you to start working on this project?   MG: My interest in this project started with an evolutionary question: why is the prevalence of some so-called ‘unfit’ traits sometimes higher than expected? Nearly 15% of human couples ask for medical assistance to achieve a healthy pregnancy, and many will... Read More

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Daffodil Canson

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Daffodil Canson

Posted By: HGG Advances HGGA: What motivated you to start working on this project? DC: I have a long-standing interest in studying variant effects on gene expression and protein function and in unravelling the molecular mechanisms of disease-associated variants. As part of my PhD project, I developed the SpliceAI-10k calculator, a SpliceAI-based splicing prediction tool... Read More

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