
Winter-Spring 2019 Board Meeting Roundup

Winter-Spring 2019 Board Meeting Roundup

The Spring 2019 Board meeting was held in Rockville, MD, on May 6-7 in the new ASHG headquarters building. It was a full, productive meeting with many discussions that will help set a course for the Society’s next phase of achievement. The Board also moved briefly into formal session in February during its strategic planning... Read More

Leadership Positions and ASHG Awards: Participation and Inclusion are Key

Leadership Positions and ASHG Awards: Participation and Inclusion are Key

Executive Update: Mona Miller, Executive Director March 2019 What makes a community a vibrant community? Actively creating opportunities for broader participation; pursuing meaningful, sustained inclusion of underrepresented groups; and recognizing leadership and excellence are three important parts. Moreover, professional engagement and recognition play crucial roles to advance careers and build greater diversity and inclusion in... Read More

NCSE Executive Director Ann Reid

Teaching Evolution with NCSE Executive Director Ann Reid

Outside Voices: National Center for Science Education Executive Director Ann Reid March 2019 ASHG: The teaching of evolution has a long history and is deeply rooted in America’s decentralized educational system, with most activity taking place in local school boards and state governing bodies. Can you give us an overview of the current landscape and the... Read More

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