
OPPE Develops Plan for Digital Content

As digital programming becomes increasingly essential, OPPE has set up ASHG for success in its expansion of the ways in which members access content. Each month ASHG offers at least one new webinar, including the AJHG Online Journal Club, which provides members the opportunity to explore recent American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG) papers with... Read More

Finding Success in your Postdoc with Derrick Morton, PhD

Postdoctoral training prepares newly minted PhD or MD researchers for careers in academia, industry, and other scientific professions by honing their research skills. Selecting the right lab or mentor can set you up for success. ASHG spoke with 2019-2021 HGSI Scholar Derrick Morton, PhD about his postdoctoral experience at Emory University as an IRACDA fellow.... Read More

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