
Illumina Corporate Foundation Expands Support for ASHG’s Learning Center <br><em>Enables New Content and Accessibility Features</em>

Illumina Corporate Foundation Expands Support for ASHG’s Learning Center
Enables New Content and Accessibility Features

Published: Monday, August 29, 2022, 1:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time Media Contact: Kara Flynn, (202) 257-8424, ROCKVILLE, MD – The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) today announced that the Illumina Corporate Foundation has awarded the Society a $175,000, one-year grant to support the ASHG Learning Center, a website portal that offers scientists from the genetics... Read More

Washington Update: ARPA-H Organizational Structure Established; Initial Leadership Positions Filled

The biomedical research system has historically been supported by two main pillars: fundamental research on the mechanisms of disease, largely funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the pharmaceutical industry, which creates products to treat these conditions. Recent advances in biomedical research and health sciences present an opportunity to change how we understand,... Read More

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