Calls for Congressional Support for Additional Research Funding during the Pandemic

Congress is currently considering ways to provide additional relief measures in response to the coronavirus pandemic, which may include expanded support for the research enterprise. To date, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has received about $3.5 billion in supplemental funding for diagnostics, vaccine development and other countermeasures. The latest NIH initiative announced last week,... Read More

Fetal Tissue Research Restrictions Hinder Response to COVID-19

Fetal Tissue Research Restrictions Hinder Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has demanded a scientific call to action and researchers have responded in extraordinary ways. Collaborating across borders, disciplines and sectors, researchers pivoting to coronavirus research have generated and shared new knowledge and data with remarkable speed and openness. However, a barrier exists for scientists proposing to use human fetal tissue to investigate... Read More

Public Education about Genetics with Carla Easter, NHGRI

March 2020 ASHG: Why is public engagement with science important for both researchers and the public?  Dr. Easter: As researchers, when we think about the need to engage with the public as research participants and partners in the process, we want people to understand what they’re being asked to do and why it matters. This empowers them to make decisions about participation, but also makes it... Read More

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