Supporting Geneticists in Advocating for Research

Supporting Geneticists in Advocating for Research

Continued funding and public support are essential for driving progress in genetics and genomics research. ASHG is committed to supporting members and the greater community in advocating for research to policymakers. Related: ASHG Comments: Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) Listening Session (August 2021) AJHG Perspective: Advocating for Genetics and Genomics Research to Policymakers... Read More

Mary Woolley President, Research!America

Advocating for Research with Mary Woolley, Research!America

Outside Voices: Advocating for Research with Mary Woolley, Research!America December 2019 ASHG: What is the state of support for biomedical research in Washington today? Ms. Woolley: After several years of flat federal funding for research that, due to inflation, nearly wiped out the increases seen during the years of doubling the NIH budget, we have... Read More

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