NHGRI Emphasizes the Need to Champion a Diverse Genomics Workforce

NHGRI Emphasizes the Need to Champion a Diverse Genomics Workforce

In October, National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) published its strategic vision for the next decade of human genomics. NHGRI’s vision identifies guiding principles and values for human genomics, including the imperative to champion a diverse genomics workforce. Vence Bonham, J.D., senior advisor on genomics and health disparities to the NHGRI director, discusses why workforce diversity in genomics has become a critically urgent necessity for innovation and scientific... Read More

Guiding the Way to a Vibrant and Collaborative Community

Guiding the Way to a Vibrant and Collaborative Community

As part of its strategic plan, ASHG’s Professional Practice and Social Implications (PPSI) Committee is tasked with helping ASHG members and the research community advance genetics and genomics in ways that integrate and embed societal impacts within research goals and practices. In the first of a series of resources, ASHG published a new Guidance on... Read More

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A Look Into Genetically Speaking, ASHG’s Career Podcast Series

As part of the implementation of its strategic plan, the Online Programs and Professional Education Working Group was created. The Working Group has been charged by the Board with creating new digital ways to communicate with ASHG members. As a result, the new podcast series Genetically Speaking was created. The series features weekly informal conversations... Read More

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