Research Participants

A Physician/Father’s Perspective on the Potential of Genetic Research

A Physician/Father’s Perspective on the Potential of Genetic Research

Human genetics and genomics has a profound impact on individuals, families, and communities. By showcasing narratives highlighting the potential of genetic research, ASHG seeks to honor those who participate in research and underscore the real-world implications of scientific inquiry. Hearing the voices of patients and their families can help members of the genetics and genomics... Read More

Affirming Importance of Diversity in Research, ASHG Highlights Need for Care when Engaging Vulnerable Populations

Affirming Importance of Diversity in Research, ASHG Highlights Need for Care when Engaging Vulnerable Populations

Published: Thursday, September 3, 2020, 10:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time Media Contact: Kara Flynn, 202.257.8424 ROCKVILLE, MD —The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) today issued a new organizational position statement strongly affirming the need for broad public participation in genetics and genomics research and highlighting the need to understand and protect against potential harm to... Read More

Hannah Valantine, MD, MCRP and Joshua Denny, MD, MS

NIH Leadership talks Diversity and Inclusion in Genetic Research: ASHG Interviews Hannah Valantine, MD, MCRP and Joshua Denny, MD, MS

June 2020 ASHG is committed to supporting diversity and inclusion initiatives in genetics research and building a scientific community that is welcoming to all. Genetic studies have largely focused on populations of European descent, and more work is needed to create diverse reference datasets. These tools can help to aid precision medicine discoveries for all... Read More

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