Research Participants

Fetal Tissue Research Restrictions Hinder Response to COVID-19

Fetal Tissue Research Restrictions Hinder Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has demanded a scientific call to action and researchers have responded in extraordinary ways. Collaborating across borders, disciplines and sectors, researchers pivoting to coronavirus research have generated and shared new knowledge and data with remarkable speed and openness. However, a barrier exists for scientists proposing to use human fetal tissue to investigate... Read More

Enabling the Public to Realize the Benefits of Genetics Research

March 2020 Research in human genetics and genomics is moving rapidly into all areas of science and health, and it’s important to understand public views of research progress and participation in research. By understanding how the public views our field, we can identify opportunities for new programs that help us fulfill our vision that people everywhere realize the benefits of human genetics and... Read More

Efforts to Indigenize Genomics with Support of the HGSI

Posted By: Krystal Tsosie, MPH, MA, 2019-21 Human Genetics Scholar As an ASHG Human Genetics Scholars Initiative awardee, I want to thank the Society for enabling my international research endeavors to connect globally with Indigenous scholars. I was invited to present at the SING Indigenous Genomics conference at the University of Waikato in New Zealand... Read More

ASHG Survey Finds Americans Strongly Support Human Genetics Research & Potential

ASHG Survey Finds Americans Strongly Support Human Genetics Research & Potential

Published: January 29, 2020, 9:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time Media Contact: Kara Flynn or Nalini Padmanabhan, 301.634.7346, Respondents Want Confidence in Data Privacy, Have Some Knowledge Gaps ROCKVILLE, Md. – As genetics and genomics knowledge expands rapidly throughout research, medicine, and society, Americans are excited and optimistic about this area of research and its emerging health... Read More

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