
Sharing the Struggle of Mental Health in Academia

Written by Nascent Transcript writer Kathryn Vaillancourt It was four years into grad school that I started to realise the extent of the negative impact that academia was having on my mental health. A report had just been published suggesting one in three PhD students was at risk of developing a common psychiatric disorder like major depression... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Dr. Callie Kwartier

Trainee Author: Dr. Callie Kwartler Postdoctoral Fellow Milewicz Lab – University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Photo courtesy Kwartler) Kwartler CS, Gong L, Chen J, Wang S, Kulmacz R, Duan XY, Janda A, Huang J, Kamm KE, Stull JT, Guo D, Milewicz DM. Variants of Unknown Significance in Genes Associated with Heritable Thoracic... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Taylor Mighell

Trainee Author: Taylor Mighell Graduate Student Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon (Photo courtesy Mighell) Mighell, T.L., Evans-Dutson, S. and O’Roak, B.J. (2018) A Saturation Mutagenesis Approach to Understanding PTEN Lipid Phosphatase Activity and Genotype-Phenotype Relationships. The American Journal of Human Genetics 102, 943–955. Mighell et al (2018) present a methodology and framework for... Read More

Advancing Diversity in the Genetics Workforce

Advancing Diversity in the Genetics Workforce

June 2019 “The tremendous value of diversity and genetic variation is an elemental tenet of human genetics, and inclusion is a core value of the Society. An inclusive workforce is a scientific imperative – ensuring diverse perspectives, connections, talents, and expertise will enrich the community and its work.” —Anthony Wynshaw-Boris, PhD, ASHG president-elect This April,... Read More

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