
GINA’s 10th Anniversary and the Future of Genetic Privacy

Written by Nascent Transcript writer Allison McCague August 2018 May 21 of this year marked the tenth anniversary of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), a landmark piece of legislation that Senator Ted Kennedy—one of the sponsors of the bill—called “the first civil rights bill of the new century of the life sciences.” GINA’s passage was the... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Kevin Gillinder

Trainee Author: Kevin Gillinder, PhD Research Fellow Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University, Australia (Photo courtesy Gillinder) Gillinder KR, et al. Promiscuous DNA-binding of a mutant zinc finger protein corrupts the transcriptome and diminishes cell viability. NAR. 2017 Feb 17;45(3):1130-1143 This is the first study to show neomorphic functions in a zinc finger binding... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Alina Kurolap

Trainee Author: Alina Kurolap, RN, MSc PhD Student, Medical Sciences Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, the Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine (Photo courtesy Kurolap) Kurolap A, Armbruster A, et al. Loss of glycine transporter 1 causes a subtype of glycine encephalopathy with arthrogryposis and mildly elevated cerebrosipinal fluid glycine. AJHG. 2016 Nov... Read More

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