
Trainee Paper Spotlight: Douglas Dluzen

Trainee Author: Douglas Dluzen, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow National Institute on Aging (Photo courtesy Dr. Dluzen) Dluzen DF et al. Racial differences in microRNA and gene expression in hypertensive women. Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 25;6:35815. doi: 10.1038/srep35815. This paper emphasizes the importance of miRNA on population specific gene expression patterns. Dluzen et al. demonstrate that differential expression of a set... Read More

Interview with Derek Scholes, PhD, Director of Science Policy at ASHG

Contributed by TDC member Julie Jurgens May 2017 ASHG: What are some of the genetic policy items that ASHG is currently discussing? Dr. Scholes: The Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act (HR1313) is currently a major focus. This legislation, recently introduced in the U.S. Congress, would eviscerate key genetic privacy protections in the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). GINA prevents employers... Read More

Meet the Trainee Leader Christa Wagner, PhD

ASHG trainee newsletter writer Irene Park interviewed Christa Wagner, PhD, who is the 2016-2017 ASHG-NHGRI Genetics and Public Policy fellow. Dr. Wagner recently completed her PhD at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where she studied genetics and immunology. May 2017  Public policy and science have a large intersection, especially in the field of genetics.... Read More

Career Interview: Melissa Dalgleish, PhD

Career Interview: Melissa Dalgleish, PhD

Program Coordinator, Research Training Centre Hospital for Sick Children. Monika Schmidt, ASHG: How can trainees get involved in your field while doing research? Dr. Dalgleish: Get involved in organizing professional development programs. At my research institute, the Trainee Career Development Program is almost entirely run by and for students and fellows, while I take an... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Sureni Mullegama

Trainee Author: Sureni Mullegama, PhD ABMGG Clinical Molecular Genetics Fellow University of California, Los Angeles (Photo courtesy Dr. Mullegama) Sureni Mullegama et al. Clinical and Molecular Aspects of MBD5-Associated Neurocevelopmental Disorder (MAND). European Journal of Human Genetics, 24, 1235-1243, (2016). This review provides a comprehensive description of the current state of research for a group of disorders recently... Read More

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