
Meet the Trainee Leader, Julie Nadel, PhD

TDC member Emily Olfson, MD PhD, interviews Julie Nadel, PhD, ASHG/NHGRI Genetics & Education Fellow November 2016 ASHG: Tell us a bit about yourself. Dr. Nadel: I like hot sauce, my dog, and talking about science. My graduate work at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine focused on the non-canonical nucleic acid structure, RNA:DNA hybrids,... Read More

Career Interview: Michael Snyder, PhD

Career Interview: Michael Snyder, PhD

Professor Michael (“Mike”) Snyder, PhD, Chair of Genetics and director of the Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine at Stanford University shared what Trainees interested in big data medicine should look for. Chris Nowak, ASHG: What are some challenges for trainees interested in a career in functional genomics and big data medicine? Dr. Snyder: Good quantitative skills and... Read More

Career Interview: Derek Scholes, PhD

Career Interview: Derek Scholes, PhD

Director of Science Policy American Society of Human Genetics ASHG: How can trainees gain experience in your field while doing research? What steps are necessary for trainees to get involved in your field? Dr. Scholes: There are opportunities available [in the field of science policy] to you if you’re willing to seek them out and volunteer... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Joseph Alaimo

Trainee Author: Joseph Alaimo, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Baylor College of Medicine (Photo courtesy Dr. Alaimo) Joseph T. Alaimo et al. Copy number loss upstream of RAI1uncovers gene expression regulatory region that may impact Potocki-Lupski syndrome diagnosis. Molecular Cytogenetics, 8:75, (2015). This paper uses a case study to argue for functional identification of chromosomal structural abnormalities, and uses ENCODE... Read More

Career Interview: Brendan Lee, MD, PhD

Career Interview: Brendan Lee, MD, PhD

Robert and Janice McNair Endowed Chair and Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics Baylor College of Medicine Secretary, ASHG Board of Directors 2016 ASHG Curt Stern Award recipient Dr. Lee’s research program focuses on human inborn errors of metabolism and structural birth defects. He shared his perspective on balancing research and the clinic, the importance... Read More

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